Monday, August 22, 2011

Understanding Hijab for Dummies!

Credit to: FullWhiteMoon
Read more!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sindiran Kuat

Sehelai rambut wanita yang di lihat oleh lelaki bukan muhrim dengan sengaja, balasannya 70,000 tahun dalam neraka, sehari akhirat = 1000 tahun di dunia.
Seorang wanita yang masuk neraka akan menarik 2 orang lelaki,
1 - Ayah kandung
2 - Adik beradik lelaki
3 - Suami
4 - Anak lelaki kandung


P/S; Sindiran kuat. Read more!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Careful dgn CyberCafe (CC)

Hal yg sangat penting terutama pada orang yg suka online di Cyber Cafe. Ok, sebelum korang guna PC, first check device ni sama ada disambungkan dekat CPU atau tidak.

Alat ini dinamakan Keystroke. Ia dicucuk di hujung cable keyboard yg terhubung ke PC, ini digunakan untuk menyimpan semua data yg telah diketik oleh keyboard itu.

Kebanyakan ini dipakai di internet kafe, pameran, hotel & lapangan terbang. Maka berhati-hatilah terutama anda yg menggunakan internet di tempat seperti itu untuk mengakses account bank online atau site penting lainnya.

Setelah anda masuk ke account bank, dan setelah selesai, meninggalkan PC, itu akan dgn mudahnya untuk membuka account itu kembali dgn apa yg sebelumnya anda ketik, yg telah tersimpan di dlm Black Device.

Jadi, sebaiknya anda periksa dahulu PC jika ada sesuatu yg mencurigakan di belakangnya sebelum menggunakan Internet di tempat umum untuk mengakses site penting

Semoga informasi ini berguna untuk anda semua.


P/S; Opps, ai selalu online kat wifi coffee shop. Boleh kena jugak ke? Read more!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kenapa Orang Islam Sembah Bangunan Kain Hitam Tu?

"Kenapa orang Islam sembah bangunan kain hitam tu?"
"Oh.. itu Kaabah atau nama lainnya Baitullah"
"Baitullah tu apa?"


"Secara terjemahan mudah maknanya Rumah Allah"
"Allah ada dalam tu?"
"Jadi, kenapa sembah bangunan tu kalau Allah tak ada dalam tu?"
"Yang saya sembah bukannya bangunan tu.."
"Kamu sembah apa?"
"Saya sembah Allah swt"
"Jadi, kenapa sembah bangunan tu?"
"Saya menghadap sahaja ke arah Kaabah tetapi saya tak sembah Kaabah.."
"Bukankah kamu sujud ke arah Kaabah, maknanya kamu sembah Kaabah la.."

"Kamu pernah tgk perlawanan bola dalam TV?"
"Pernah.. selalu.."
"Kamu tengok tv ke tengok perlawanan bola?"
"Tengok perlawanan bola la.."
"Di mana?"
"Dalam tv la.."
"Cuba buka tv tu, tengok di dalamnya ada stadium dan perlawanan bola ke tak.."
"Memanglah tak ada.. tapi itukan gambarnya ada.."
"Bukalah dalam tv, tengok ada ke tak gambar perlawanan bola dalam tu.."
"Maknanya kamu tengok tv, bukan perlawanan bola.. betul tak?"
"Tak.. aku tengok perlawanan bola la melaui tv tu.."
"Sebab apa pulak pelik?"
"Ye la, kau cakap tengok perlawanan bola, sedangkan aku tengok dalam tv tu tak ada apa-apa.. yg ada hanya wayar je berselirat.."
"Memanglah dalam tv tu ada banyak wayar, tapi tv tu menayangkan gambar-gambar perlawanan bola dalamnya.."
"Hurm.. jadi tak peliklah ni..?"
"Ya.. tak pelik.."
"Jadi tak pelik jugalah aku sujud ke arah Kaabah untuk menyembah Allah swt.. walau pun dalam Kaabah tak ada Allah.."

"Erk.. kau betul.."

P/S: New comeback! Dah lama tak menulis.. Read more!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Google This!

P/S ; Rasa macam nak buat jugak la. Hahahahahhahhaha.
Read more!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

PTPTN Secara Ujrah 1%! PTP Tipu.

Dibenarkan untuk copy-paste ke mana-mana, dengan menyertakan link ke halaman ini:

Oleh: Adou_Fr


1-- Setelah meneliti dokumen PTPTN dalam sistem Ujrah, saya mempunyai beberapa perspektif seperti yang akan dibentangkan.

2-- Perubahan sistem 3% kepada 1% yang dinamakan sistem Ujrahsebenarnya mempunyai helah tertentu yang harus diketahuï sebelum diisi.

3-- Baki yang dikira bukan baki semasa, tetapi adalah baki pada tahun tertentu, dalam kes ini Jun 2008.

4-- Perjanjian yang adil sebenarnya hendaklah menggunakan jumlah asal pinjaman seperti yang terdapat dalam perjanjian asal.

5-- Menggunakan baki pada tarikh yang berlainan sebenarnya menimbulkan keraguan, contohnya apabila peminjam telah meminjam pada tahun Jun 2000 hingga Mei 2003 (selama 3 tahun).

6-- Dalam kes ini, peminjam telah dikenakan kos sebanyak 3% dari tahun 2003 hingga 2008.

7-- Justeru, jika pinjaman asal bernilai RM 24000, dengan dicampur dengan kos di atas (3 % x 5 tahun) akan bernilai RM 24000 + RM 3600.

8-- Dengan anggapan peminjam belum lagi membayar sebarang jumlah sehingga tarikh tersebut, jumlah yang dinilai dalam perjanjian ini sebenarnya bernilai RM 27600.

9-- Melaluï sistem Ujrah, peminjam akan dikenakan 1% daripada jumlah (RM 27600) ini bernilai RM 276, selama 126 bulan iaitu 10.5 tahun.

10-- Justeru, peminjam akan dikenakan tambahan sebanyak RM 276 x 10.5 iaitu RM 2898.

11-- Maka jumlah sebenar yang dikehendaki dibayar oleh peminjam adalah RM 27600 + RM 2898 iaitu RM 30498.

12-- Maka peminjam akan membayar RM 30498 setelah meminjam sebanyak RM 24000.

13-- Ini melibatkan pertambahan jumlah sebanyak RM 6498 daripada jumlah asal pinjaman, atau 27.075% daripada jumlah asal.

14-- Sebenarnya, setelah dikira, sistem ini adalah satu helah bagi PTPTN mendapatkan kembali bayaran balik dengan cara potongan gaji.

15-- Setelah menandatangani perjanjian sistem Ujrah ini, peminjam akan membayar secara potongan gaji tanpa boleh mengelak daripada membayar pinjaman ini.

16-- Ini bermakna, keuntungan adalah kepada PTPTN, yang mengambil 27.075% daripada pinjaman asal, DAN pembayaran on-time melaluï potongan gaji.

17-- Saya melihat ini sebenarnya adalah helah untuk memaksa peminjam membayar melaluï potongan gaji, dan bukan sebagai satu “ihsan” untuk mengurangkan beban peminjam.

18-- Saya melihat ini adalah helah bagi memastikan peminjam yang selama ini hanya membayar RM 50 sebulan, yang entah bila akan habis membayar pinjamannya, akan membayar RM 200+ sebulan mulaï tarikh sistem Ujrah diluluskan.

19-- Lebih menguntungkan pihak PTPTN, ia akan berlaku secaraclean atas topeng Syari`ah.

ألا ترون يا من وافق لهذا أنه ربا مبينا وغشا مخفيا؟

WaLlahu a`lam.

Sumber asal:

Bacaan berkaitan:

P/S ; Kuang hajaw! Gila banyak riba'!
Read more!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tips: Bagaimana Lelaki Nak Jadi LEBIH KACAK?

Lelaki kacak dan dot dot dot

1-- Sentiasa tukar cadar dan sarung bantal 
Cadar dan sarung bantal adalah salah satu penyebab masalah kulit wajah. Apabila kulit wajah terkena pada permukaan fabrik cadar dan sarung bantal, kotoran dan bakteria itu akan melekat. Ia akan menutup liang-liang roma dan keadaan ini menyebabkan terjadinya jerawat. Oleh itu gantikan cadar dan sarung bantal anda dengan lebih kerap.

2-- Syampu rambut tidak lebih dari sekali sehari
Sebaik-baiknya anda perlu mencuci rambut sekurang-kurangnya 3 kali seminggu sahaja dan pilihlah syampu yang bersesuaian untuk rambut anda. Selepas bersyampu, pastikan anda gunakan perapi bagi melembap dan melembutkan rambut.

3-- Floss gigi setiap hari dan lakukan pemutihan gigi setiap 6 bulan
Untuk senyuman yang menawan, anda perlu rajin memberus gigi dan lakukan proses floss setiap hari. Amalan ini bukan sahaja dapat mengurangkan masalah bau mulut tetapi juga dapat menanggalkan sisa-sisa makanan yang terlekat di celah-celah gigi. Untuk menjadikan gigi lebih putih, anda juga disarankan untuk melakukan proses pemutihan gigi 6 bulan sekali. Selepas seminggu melakukan proses pemutihan, elakkan mengambil makanan yang meninggalkan kesan di gigi seperti kopi, sos soya serta minuman beralkohol.

4. Gunting rambut setiap 3 - 6 minggu sekali
Sentiasa tampil dengan rambut yang digunting rapi agar kelihatan kacak dan bergaya. Anda tidak perlu bersusah-payah menghabiskan duit, sebaliknya anda boleh ke kedai gunting biasa yang lebih murah harga perkhidmatannya. Murah dan cepat. Sekiranya anda mempunyai salun yang sering anda kunjungi, pastinya pendandan rambut yang selalu memotong rambut anda sudah tahu potongan rambut yang sesuai dan jangan lupa rapikan rambut anda sebelum keluar rumah.

P/S; Anti lelaki pengotor. Read more!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who is Anis Wahida?

Who is Anis Wahida?

P/S; I have less interest in life for now. I want an immediate change.
Read more!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First Day School

Macam la baik..
Diam je. Sopan je. Nerd je.
Tak bising pun.
Ini baru tiga haribulan satu.
Tunggu jelah tiga haribulan enam nanti.
Tah ape jadi budak² ni.
Tengok jelah nanti.
Bukan bersangka buruk tapi itu expected.

Form Two

Form One

P/S; Tanam azam baru untuk 2011. Plan untuk ke next stage dalam hidup. My wedding. Read more!

Movie Review: The Tourist - 2010 - Johnny Depp & Angelina Jolie

I love Johnny Depp so bad!

Unforgettable Movies!
Edward Scissorhands
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Sleepy Hollow
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Finding Neverland
Secret Window
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Corpse Bride
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Alice in Wonderland
The Tourist

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

P/S; Little info about The Tourist. He is special. Fun movie. It's about how he tricks us that he is not Alexander Pearce but only an ordinary tourist that is a Mathematic teacher, named Frank Tupelo. 
Read more!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Very Simple Malay Wedding Plan

Malay wedding ;)

I got this feedback when I was searching for simple Malay wedding from Google.
The question: How much have your wedding cost? And what have the cost gone to?

The accepted reply is as below. I think the writer is the Singaporean & the year she post this in 2007. Dah lama tuuu. Anyway, as I think this is useful for me or maybe for some readers, so I post this entry.

Enjoy the reading ;)

Mine cost me about 4,500/- :D It's a one day wedding. Yippie.

Invitation card:
I was gonna go far Irfanisa Card, she's such a nice person to talk to. But I had issues with a dinner wedding package with Samar which comes with a wedding invitation card. So, by the time I cancel with Samar restaurant (and lost my deposit) it was too late for her to print out the cards. So instead i had fun designing and making my own invitation cards. Since i only need about 100 cards. I bought at a bookshop in Bras basah think 2nd floor, right facing the escalator after got up to the 2nd floor. The shop sells interesting invitation cards, and some ribbons. It's not saga city or Art friend. It was newly open at the time i was looking around for materials to print my cards. So i fond this Hallmark special package kit, which comes with ribbons and translucent paper and a good quality paper to print you stuff on. It comes in 10 pieces each pack. So I got 2 different designs, 5 packs each. Then i got some special perfume paper form popular bookshop and use that for the inside instead. I made some personal changes to the card and wallah.... I got my personalize card. Everyone loved it. And i had fun making it with my mum and my husband.

Got nasi briyani and some other dishes form Masakan Shaik Sabri (Jaan) and decor form hrmm, can't remember think was from him as well. Not sure. Have to check again. We didn't do a buffet. We did a personal serving for each guest. The food is really really good. I can't highlight it more. Really good. !! And was no problem with the service, but we had a minor hiccup with the tent and gazebo guys. But was sorted out.

I had the white wedding kinda thing, with flowers on the table and a tent gazebo thing at the garden area of my house. Decor was ok overall but 2 things were quite disappointing. The 'pelamin' which I didn’t want to start with (my mum thinks that it was essential) anyways.. I had the kinda 'pelamin' which was cool I think. And I thought the decor people understood the design of it and the fresh flowers decor on the table was quite disappointing. I could have done it myself and got some fresh flowers at the market and would have turned out much better. And cost lesser. The flowers behind the tie back of the chair wasn’t even the one that I showed them on their catalogue. It came out as a ribbon kinda thingy, which they later console me that it the new type blah blah... And the pelamin, same as well....they say they can take it down and all, coz the 'type' that I want they couldn't make it. So be very careful with your decor guys. Make sure you have everything in writing and with pictures as well. So they can’t say they didn't know. Well, lucky the rest of the stuff they didn't stuff up.

I got my laptop, played all the songs that i have already selected, and wired a few speakers around the garden and the inside of the house.

Wedding dress:
Oh the clothes are very interesting, I got one tailored just 2 days before my wedding, at the Malay village at Geylang, there is this Chinese tailor which is facing the main road beside a beauty spa. It is a really good tailor and fits me perfectly. S$150 it's the type you find in the Malay wedding magazine. Lace type. Nicee.. And for my husband, I bought a simple Malay Baju Kurung, very nice material, and got a songket material to match with mine. My mum made the tanjak for him. Another one of my dress for nikah Idesigned it up myself for both my husband and for myself. And I got someone to tailor it in Melbourne. It was embroidered as well with some sequins. And the material looks like semi matt silky. Very nice. Another last one is an Indian dress which is bought in Melbourne as well. Gorgeous black. Got it altered to fit me. All of the clothes was less than S$500.

I went around and got the broaches and shoes that I want. And the veil. I bought some books on how to tie up the hijab for special occasion and weddings, like how the mak andam does it. And practice it a few times by myself. It makes much more sense for me to purchase them than getting it form a bridal boutique, coz it's slightly cheaper, and i can actually own them and wear them again for other occasion.

Make -up and hair cut:
I didn’t hire a mak andam. (like the make up artist and the person who will be there to make sure you look the best in your clothes, and does touch up through the wedding) I got my make-up done and my hubby got his hair cut at the same place. I recommend this place highly for Hair cut. It's call Tresses at 26 Bussorah street. (Arab street) The guy is called Omar. He also got me someone who can do my make up as well. Although i still didn't like my make-up looks at first. It was much better after a few hours when the make-up settle down. So don't do you make up thick. I actually took off most of the foundation after the nikah.

Nikah & dinner venue:
I had my nikah at the mosque, Masjid Omar Kampung Melayu. It's the oldest mosque in Singapore, and I like how simple the place look, nothing glamorous about the mosque. We got some children from Darul Ihsan Orphanage. They came for our nikah and had dinner afterwords. As for the dinner...I actually wanted to do it in Samar Restaurant Street. After I put down the deposit...I didn't see how the manager was committed in the things she said she will do. At first I got them to do the invitation card, and it came out really bad. So I cancel it. There were other signs that suggest that they won't be able to carry out their promises. I lost my deposit as a result of cancelation (which I think I should get back since there wasn't any conformation or a contract conformation signed which was in the agreement.) I didn't bother to fight for my deposit. I was too busy to get a few hundred dollars back. So we held the dinner at my house instead. I was surprise to get a full attendance actually for my wedding.

I wanna add that some Malay wedding photographer treated me quite unprofessionally. Maybe they think that i was probably joking or wasting their time, and lastly. That I should have done this 1 year back. They didn’t wanna show me proper samples from the photographer who will be assigned to do my wedding. So I had enough of that and looking into non- Muslim/ Malay wedding photographer. I found this awesome guy. I'm a fussy one when it comes to photography. So I looked through all the photographers I can find and assess them through the kinda photography which I like. I didn't need the kinda photography packages which most photographers are offering, like the special graphic effect photoshoped edited kinda thing. (Coz that's just cheating in my opinion and layout weren't to my taste, being a designer myself) Anyways I want a photograph to capture the moment of the event, so i got this guy call Eu Lee. He's the best person I dealt with compared with everyone that i tried to hire. He was so professional, straight forward. And no sneaky tricky hidden cost. In total $S1000 for photography.

Wedding favors, 'Berkat':
Oh and the wedding favors 'Berkat". That was awesome as well. I had 3 types, LOL. I'm a sucker for giving people stuff. One of my friends introduces me to this gal call Ayu who does these cute cupcakes.
E-mail :
I can't remember her website. :S

So these are for the kids and orphan who came for the wedding. And for the adults I got a small bottle of perfume from a shop at Golden Landmark, 2nd floor. There this small shop facing the staircase entrance towards Masjid Sultan. He sells items from the Middle East. And he sells those kinda perfumes where he will mix it up for you. Can’t remember how many I got, but it's about S$2- S$2.50. It comes with the little bag and a ribbon. Later after I bought it, my brother told me that i could have check out another place at Bussorah street right at the corner where all the coffee shops are. There one perfume shop there. Another 'berkat' I bought was at Joo chat complex. Dunno which floor. Was one of the hidden tiny cramp shop which doesn't look like much and I went into the tiny. Cramp shop and saw this wooden like (actually clay) rounded 6cm X 6cm x 6cm vase/ container. With lovely design carving, 'ukiran' on it. Again can't remember how many I bought.

My friend introduces me to this lovely gal who did my henna. No fuss. Also straight forward in dealing with her. She came did her work paid her and it's done. I looked up a few design and i gave it to her before I confirmed that I was gonna take her as my henna artist. She said she can, and she did. An awesome job. S$120

After all of these expenses I got some left over cash which I wanted to go to Bintan Island for 3 days 2 night stay at Banyan tree resort. But I didn't get to go there some problems with my husband's passport. Instead we invested our money on a stock market. It's doing really well. So, we had our small little honeymoon when we're back in Melbourne. Every few months, we'll get away somewhere. And this month we're going to India and Kashmir. Woohoo. So I hope this info helps for other people planning on their wedding. I took 2 months to plan and research while I was in Melbourne and I met up with people to really check them you and put deposits within 3 weeks when I was there in Singapore. I couldn't have done it without my Mum and Dad of course. I'm not that super woman. ;)

For me, my idea of simple wedding will be like this:

1-- By keep the guests list small - We limited the guest list to just the first cousins of our parents, and that was an accomplishment. We added just a few close friends, when we could have invited dozens and dozens more. So we ended up with a list of 300 instead of 600.

2-- Keep the menu simple - We didn’t choose a large amount of dishes and desserts either. We chose a few key dishes, all of them simple, and left it at that. While we would like people to enjoy the food, they are not coming there to have a fancy meal — they’ll be there simply to celebrate our marriage and enjoy our company. If that’s not enough for them, it’s not my problem

3-- Have it catered

4-- Get help, and delegate - We can ask for help from a few friends and family which are readily to help, delegate certain tasks, and when they do them, check them off your list. It makes life a lot easier.

5-- Go with the easiest attire -- I plan for a simple nikah attire that I can use after the wedding. Simple.

6-- Simple but creative invitation cards - In my own wedding, I'll let the number of invitation cards is just for the guests that will confirm attending the wedding. Some people might printed their invitations themselves. Much satisfaction!

7-- Don’t try to impress - This is key — if you try to impress people with your fancy wedding, you’ll go to a lot of trouble and expense. So I will do as simple as I can, and I rather stay out of debt, minimize my stress levels, and spend the extra money for life after marriage.

8-- Keep the decorations simple.

9-- Simple favors.

10-- Simple entertainment - Using your own laptop with selected wedding songs will be just nice ;)

11- Have a coordinator -- This doesn’t have to be a fancy wedding coordinator, but can simply be a family member who you trust to run things according to your plan.

12-- Hold it early in the day - My wedding will start as early as 9 am in the morning for the the enggagement & nikah ceremony also and the reception will start at 11:00 a.m., so it’s a lunch buffet. This minimizes costs, and allows us to finish early.

P/S; Starts to plan my own simple wedding. Eager. Read more!