Sunday, September 26, 2010

Subhanallah, Walhamdulillah ~~

For Muslim, you should try this.

Try to look to the 3 black dots on the ALLAH's word about 10 seconds.
Then, look to the plain white wall.
See the miracle!

P/S ; I love Islam! Read more!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Birth Number Vs Personality via Facebook

Yayang Birth Day: 03-11-1986
1st No: 0 + 3 = 03 , 0 + 3 = 3
2nd No: 0 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 29 , 2 + 9 = 11 , 1 + 1 = 2
3rd No: 3 + 2 = 05 , 0 + 5 = 5

You are :
3- Fussy.
2- Gentle.
5- Approachable.

My Birth Day: 22-09-1985
1st No: 2 + 2 = 04 , 0 + 4 = 4
2nd No: 2 + 2 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 36 , 3 + 6 = 9
3rd No: 4 + 9 = 13 , 1 + 3 = 4

You are :
4- Hard working.
9- Glamourous.
4- Hard working.

P/S ; Am I hardworking? LOL Read more!


Hurt very badly. Read more!

Kempen 'No Plastic Day' Sangat Cool!

Pernah sekali saya singgah di kedai Seven Eleven di Selangor.
Membeli barang dan saya tidak diberi plastik.
Saya tunggu selepas membayar.
Tetapi orang di kaunter tu kata, "Sorry kak, hari ni hari Sabtu."
Saya memandangnya dengan pelik. Malu pun malu, saya baru perasan ada poster kecit kat tepi saya, tulis, Hari Sabtu No Plastic Bag.
Biarlah orang kata saya ketinggalan ke apa ke.
Sebab saya memang baru tau, hari Sabtu adalah Hari Tanpa Beg Plastik.

Apa² pun, saya sangat menyetujui & menyokong kempen ni.

Yes, sebabnya......

1-- at least dapat mengurangkan kos membuat plastik
2-- petroleum tidak dibazirkan untuk buat plastic bag
3-- plastik sangat lambat untuk lupus [majoring in Chemistry, remember?]
4-- saya lebih suka kalau beli barang & dibungkus dalam brown-paper bag, terasa macam kat overseas gitu, laaaaaagi cool.

5-- ala, memang la beg kertas ni leceh kalau basah tapi kan lebih baik kita shopping sambil bawak beg shopping. Macam Tesco, Giant, Carrefour buat kempen beg boleh kitar semula ataupun Recyclable Bag. Stylo jugak beg ni. Sebab saya pernah beli.

P/S ; Saya juga menyokong Kempen Membaca. Generasi sekarang kurang membaca. Masa saya masih sekolah rendah, Mama pinjamkan buku dari library sekolah menengahnya. Saya banyak membaca, buat karangan, tambah pengetahuan. Kalau ditanya pada anak² di sekolah saya, belum tentu mereka tahu apa yg saya tahu bila saya sebaya mereka. Yang lebih sadis, mereka tahu perkara yg tak sepatutnya mereka tahu pada umur mereka. Pendek kata, dewasa sebelum umur. Akal belum cukup matang. Read more!

Brakes Fer Song's Beat

Remembered one evening, I went out with my hausmet, Dayah to BP Mall.
Maybe on that day, our mood was really  good.
I played my Hindi mp3s with the player.
The cool song was Dupatta Tera from film Partner.

Yang bestnya, saya main² brek tu masa kereta waiting for the green light of traffic light.
Saya main² brek tu sebab badan Dayah tergerak ke depan. Hahaha. So notty!
Orang yg kat sebelah kereta saya (family) tengok kereta bergerak² sebab brek tu.
Pastu driver tu tengok pulak Dayah tengok gerak² badan sebab rentak lagu yg rancak tu.
Then, satu kereta tu tengok kitorang.
Saya dengan cepat² nya menutup muka kerana tak mau dilihat. Malu. Hahahhahaa.
Itulah gelagat kitorang bila da bersama. Sekepala.

Today, I watched the clips of the song.
I post it here. Enjoy!

Info of Song.
Singer ; Sonu Nigam, Kunal Ganjawala, Shreya Ghoshal, Suzi Q
Movie ; Partner – 2007
Music Director ; Sajid-Wajid
Cast ; Salman Khan, Govinda, Katrina Kaif, Lara Dutta

P/S ; Bukan suka sangat pon lagu ni sebab ada Salman & Govinda. I hate Salman Khan. Suka pun sebab penyanyinya, Sonu Nigam. My favourite singer! Read more!

Mata Terkenyit², Awat? Gatai Ka?

Korang pernah rasa mata berkenyit² tak?
Uii, masuk saat saya menaip post ni, dah nak 3 hari dah.
Mula dari hari Ahad hari tu. Lepas kenduri kawen cousin, Mamat.
Dah try tanya Mama, biasanya orang² lama ni tau.

Saya ; Ma, kenapa ek mata rasa terkenyit²?
Mama ; Mata belah mana?
Saya ; Belah kanan.
Mama ; Nak jumpa orang kot.
Saya ; Nak jumpa sape pulak...

Tadi siang kat sekolah pun rasa terkenyit² lagi.
Awat ni? Takkan lama sangat kot?
Nak jumpa sapa pulak lagi?
Dah jumpa berdozen gerombolan kumpulan pelajar dah.
Cekgu² pon dah. Siapa lagi ni?
Mysterious nyeee....

Ada jugak tanya kat cekgu sekolah tadi.
Ada yang jawab nak dapat duit. Haaiii harap la betoi.

Tadi Yayang cakap, "Gatai kot.."

Tak pun, ada tak reason dari segi biologi? Kan?
diambil dari En.Google, of course bukan mata saya

Info Pergerakan Tubuh & Tanda² nya.

1-- Kelopak atas mata kanan bergerak - beroleh kewangan
2-- Kelopak mata atas kiri - melihat perempuan
3-- Kelopak mata atas kiri bergerak - anda akan berjalan jauh
4-- Kelopak mata bawah kanan - hendak menangis
5-- Ekor mata kanan bergerak - menerima kedatangan org jauh
6-- Ekor mata kiri - mendapat sedikit kepayahan
7-- Biji mata kanan bergerak - akan menangis dalan bercinta
8-- Biji mata kiri - gembira dihati
9-- Kening kiri bergerak - beroleh kelapangan
10-- Bibir atas bergerak - anda akan bergaduh/berbalas balas jawaB dgn seseorang
11-- Bibir bawah - ada org sedang mengata/mengumpat tentang anda
12-- Siku kanan bergerak gerak - beroleh kebahagiaan
13-- Siku kiri - org yg mengasihi kita akan datang
14-- Bahu kanan bergerak² - harta akan datang kpd kita
15-- Bahu kiri - bakal berjumpa pembesar/ketua
16-- Pipi kanan bergerak - alamat sakit mata
17-- Pipi kiri - sentiasa bahagia

Sekadar info untuk kongsian para pembaca.

P/S ; Kalau dapat duit seguni, mak oi, gembira tak terkata makcik! ;) Read more!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Aduhai Si Pencurik

Diorang satu geng.
Ramai betul.
Yang kat kedai ni memang geng dia.
Sebab tolong cover.

Cuba tengok yg pakai baju kurung 2 org tu.
And the red shirt & black one.

Sabar jelah.

P/S ; Apa barang curik baju? Read more!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Berbatov With Hat-trick!

Berbatov (42, 59, 84)

Gerrard (64, 70)

Dimitar Berbatov’s first hat-trick in a United shirt settled a pulsating clash with Liverpool as both the striker and the fixture lived up to Sir Alex Ferguson’s pre-match billing.

- reported by Adam Bostock @


P/S ; Glory Glory! Sambil layan bola, sambil tengok CSI. Baru besh. Read more!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Maybe it is not my luck.

P/S ; Sad. Read more!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Anniversary Siapa Pulak?

Tadi, saya & family menziarahi keluarga belah Mama.
Anak bongsu untuk abang sulung atok saya. Namanya Paksu Rahman.
Tinggal kat Taman Telawi.
Yang bestnya, dua pupu-dua pupu-kitorang tu, alahaiiii la, comelnyeeeee.
Saaaaangat comel. Empat beradik. Terlupa nak capture gambar diorang.
Yg no.2 & no.3 tu muka nak sama, macam kembar.
Banyak cakap pulak tu, petah.
Suka diorang bila saya & cousins datang ke rumah.
"Kakak putih, kakak putih, abang handsome." Itulah kata diorang.
Yg adik no.3 namanya, Ahmad Ziyad Irfan tu ckp kat Fza, "Kakak putih, kakak putih tinggal sini ye. Kitorang takde kakak." sweet. Kesian pn ade..
Ape² pun, fun duk melayan anak² comel tu.
Masa nak balik tu, si kecil Irfan tu ckp, "Terima kasih datang rumah kitorang ye.."
Emmm, geram. Ku cubit² pipi Irfan tu. COMEL!
Sempat capture gambar ke-sengal-an Habsah & Shikin yg berusaha untuk mengayuh basikal kecik!

Tapi, apa kena-mengena kisah menziarah raya ni dgn anniversary?
Anniversary siapa pulak ni? Hahahaha.. pelik² je.
Sebenarnya, cousin saya bisik² kat telinga, bagitau yang kereta cousin saya, Ibrahim, hari ni anniversary/birthday yang pertama!
Oh, la....itu je rupanya. Hehe.
Masa nak balik, saya & cousin gerak ke Viva BKM tu.
Pastu kitorang nyanyi Happy Birthday. Ekekek. Sengal.
Sempat saya ambil gambar Ibrahim dgn keretanya tu.

Bila teringat pasal anniversary kereta, yep, kereta Persona merah saya tu pon, sambut anniversary jugak! Tapi tarikh dah lepas. 31 Julai hari tu.
Ape² pon, Persona-ku, Happy Birthday ye. Jangan nakal² tau.
Nanti kita ketuk sket pintu tu ye. [Kes langgar pintu gate rumah nenek, hari raya pertama pulak tu wakakakkaa]
Esok saya mandikan ye. Abes bulu² & tapak kaki kucing atas kereta.

Ni gambar lama, masa kereta tak banyak kecederaan lagi ;(

P/S ; Malashhhhnye nak balik Batu Pahat. Read more!

Petua Kurus!

Masalah kegemokan memang menjadi isi cerita atau kata² seorang perempuan.
Biasalah, perempuan nak cantik. Kalau rasa berat bertambah sikit je, atau baju tak muat, terus je cakap, "Arghhhhh! Aku da gemuk". Padahal tak pun.
Sama lah macam kes saya ni.
Tapi kenyataannya, gemukla sikit dari masa saya 5 tahun yg lalu.
Kalau ingat ade post saya pasal weight obsession, ha....tengok aje lah gambar kurus itu.
Tak pun, tengok jelah gambar saya tahun lepas.
Banyak betul beza.

Ini mesti pasal makan-makan-makan-makan-makan.
Cekgu Iman cakap, saya dgn housemate sy ni, selera biawak!


Inilah cousin saya, cantik kan?

Bila tengok cousin saya, Fza, umm, kurusnya dia.
Dah la kulit lawa, putih plak tu. Subhanaallah.
Baru je tadi borak dgn beliau, tanya macamana nak jadi kurus macam dia sekarang ni.

Beliau me-reply, "Petua--> Lemon + air suam tanpa gula! Kompem kurus! Minom sebelum tido & bangun tido.. Setiap hari okeh. TANPA GULA, TQ!"

Beliau menambah, "Mesti lemon yg kuning tu...  Limau kasturi, purut ke, tak layan ok. Hehe perah lemon dlm air suam then minom camtu je.. Ermm..petua lain xde... Ni jer yg paling mustajab.. Kalau amalkan setiap hari, kejap je boleh kurus. Masa aku kt Shanghai dulu berat naik giler, then ikot petua ni dalam seminggu boleh turun.. Walaupun x byk, tp turun jugak... GudLuck my sepupu~!!!!"

Ye, tuan² & puan², lemon adalah seperti ini ye. Bukan buah limau purut ke, kasturi ke, mandarin ke. Lemon kuning. Gambar dicurik dari

Wo. Start hari ni, nak beli lemon jelah. Bagus takyah bubuh gula.
Sebab ai memang ta suka gula pon. Heeee~~~~

Okeh, start counting days. From today. Lihatlah hasilnya selepas 2 minggu. Doakan kekurusan saya, ye!

P/S ; Petua jadi gemuk. Makan fastfood tiap² hari. Ha....kompem byk kolesterol (kalau ta gemok²) and berat badan naik (kalau gemok la). Read more!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Colors - What is your favorite color?

The color you choose is what you could identify yourself with.



Black is one of the most beautiful colors and yet it is the absence of color too. It is the color of detail. Black personalities want every thing done in detail. They are good at statistics and make good accountants. Internal Revenue Service agents probably like this color.

If a job needs finishing, these are the people to finish it. These personalities need leaders, though, to tell them what needs to be done.
Under guidance, they are able to get to the crux of the matter and solve very large problems. When put in a position to find the mistakes of others, they are right at home.

They like puzzles, and finding others' mistakes brings out their tenacious spirits. Black personalities will sometimes intentionally find mistakes just so that they can repair them.

This color is one of holding things inside. When one wears black, they do not want to be touched. Putting a barrier between themselves and others is the purpose of this color.

Black is a relief color for most people, like "Mom's apple pie". It makes them feel comfortable and even, in some cases, makes them feel smaller, allowing them to hide from the sometimes cruel world.

Blue is an emotional color. People with a blue personality stay inside themselves and do not trust people very much. They watch every move others make. Pale shades of blue show someone who wants everything in order. Their closet is immaculate. As blue moves to the deeper end of color, it becomes more moody and shows it.
People who prefer this color frequently use their emotions to make decisions. They are also easily affected by the moods of those around them. They sometimes expect you to feel down whenever they are. Showing signs of co-dependency, they need you to be by their side experiencing their feelings.

Green is the color of healing.

Green personalities want to help every one. These people can usually be found in the medical profession or some occupation which helps people. Preferring to watch rather than to become involved in others business, they usually keep their thoughts secret. Others see them as good listeners because of this quality. This characteristic makes them wonderful counselors.

Green personalities make others feel at home in their house by putting them at ease immediately. They try to take care of others and they want harmony in every one's life. Green personalities may even stop an argument between others by starting one themselves. Green personalities make the best of friends because they are jovial, caring and can keep a secret.

In order for a green personality to feel good about themselves, they have to be helping someone or something. Nurturers by choice, they are the ones who take care of animals, humans and plants.

Orange is the color of nature.

Orange people are nature lovers. Being sports minded, they love anything to do with the outdoors. Taking long walks in the woods revives them. When forced to stay indoors for long periods of time, they may become ill. Trees and animals mean a lot to them and they want to be a part of nature. Good professions for orange personalities include farmers, ranchers, football players, and guides.

People always say good things about these down to earth people. Although they may sometimes invoke anger from others, it usually doesn't last very long. Who can remain mad at someone so helpful?

They are good lovers and can be kinky where sex is concerned. Orange personalities do not consider themselves kinky, just willing to try what their partner may like.

Tending to support the underdog, they will try to help someone who they feel needs assistance. Always aware of their surroundings, they tend to be more adventurous than most. Even though they are impulsive and thoughtful, they generally are very much aware of what they are doing.
Learning and remembering through experience is a strong suit of theirs. Orange personalities believe God meant for them to have all the good things in life.

Pink is the color of peace.

People who love the color pink are usually either in a blissful state or looking for one, They want to draw the little smiley faces on everything. Truly loving everyone, they try to see the best in others. If they don't find something good in a person, there has to be a very good explanation in the pink personalities mind as to why not.

Those who have this personality quietly study the best way to approach problems and then take action. Because they tend to research ideas this way, they may be seen as slow but they are anything but slow.

Pinks see the world through rose colored glasses. The truth of the matter is that it might be nice if we could all put those glasses on now and then.
They are shy, very intelligent, hard working people who wish they were more part of the mainstream but are frightened of moving too quickly.
Pink personalities watch what they do or say because they are afraid that others may see them in a harsh light. They try to make everyone happy.

Purple is the color of spirituality.

Purple personalities are always striving to be better than they consider themselves to be, both on a spiritual, emotional and a mental plane.
Needing more knowledge, they become avid readers. Trying to become what they think they should be, they search their own lives and the lives of others to find the answers. The study of religions makes them feel as if they are accomplishing something bigger than themselves in life. A good theological discussion is right up their alley.

Wanting to help as many people as they can, they are more than willing to give you the benefit of their education. Trying to achieve perfection, they seem to struggle with themselves more than most because they tend to be so critical of themselves.

This is the color for passion, energy, and money making.

Red with orange overtones are dynamic and love the outdoors and anything to do with people. Red with blue overtones can be energetic people with high emotions.

Red personalities in their true red mode are sexy and seductive. Men prefer to watch a women wearing red, even though she may not be the most beautiful woman in the room.

It is also the color for someone who wants to have power and be in control. Business people who want to win wear this powerful color to meetings in which they want to stand out. The red personality makes one feel more energetic or activated. Stop signs are red. Red gets your attention. This energetic personality craves attention and what's more they get it. Being quick with their emotions, they may erupt into a temperamental volcano right in front of you then simmer down just as quickly.

People with yellow personalities are business minded.
These people want others to know they are well educated, whether self taught or otherwise, and strive to attain success through anything that requires mental abilities.

Making good leaders, they generally make up their mind in a methodical way. Every detail needs to be analyzed before they make a move. Any strategic game peaks their interest. Chess is the game for them.

This personality makes them a little stubborn. When the color moves toward a mustard shade these personalities feel that they are the only ones making the right decisions. This tends to make others a little suspicious of their motives.

The true yellow personality makes wise decisions after considering all points of view. Yellow women personalities would rather be in business, than mothers, but can do both and be quite adept at doing so. When these people are under stress, they feel that they need to hide their emotions. If they show stress, it is a sign of weakness and vulnerability. They try not to let you see them sweat.

Keeping to themselves without inviting many others into their lives, they generally only have one or two good friends. These friends are usually people who are also business minded, although the true yellow personality depends on no one but themselves. Adoring tailored clothing, they usually dress quite professionally. Although the women may add larger accessories, they dress with a simple flair.

White is the color of purity.

The color of new snow or light from above. What we fail to see is that snow and light have impurities in them but seem to be the purest of all sights.

Shyness comes with this color but it is not a true shyness. Waiting patiently for others to notice them before they make their thoughts known, they tend to appear shy but in truth, they are very outspoken.

Virginal attitudes abound with these people. They feel pure no matter what they do. The virtue of purity is attributed to them by others as well, whether they deserve this characteristic or not. White personalities feel they are right in their belief structures although they are not sure they want to discuss those beliefs with others. The fact that they know they are right is enough for them.

P/S ; I always levvv RED. How about you? Read more!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kenali Pokok Gharqad : Pohon Yahudi

Tahukah pembaca sekalian pohon yang akan membantu orang Yahudi bila sampai kiamat nanti?
Tengoklah gambar di bawah ini. Terima kasih kepada rujukan saya,

"Tidak akan berlaku kiamat sehinggalah orang-umat Islam berperang dengan orang-orang Yahudi (di sebuah tempat). Orang-umat Islam akan membunuh mereka beramai-ramai sehinggakan apabila mereka bersembunyi di sebalik batu dan pokok, tiba-tiba pokok-pokok dan batu-batu itu bersuara menjerit memanggil umat Islam agar membunuh orang-orang Yahudi itu, kecuali pokok 'Gharqad', kerana ia adalah pokok Yahudi" (Hadith sahih riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Pokok Gharqad atau African Boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum) adalah sejenis pohon yang rendang dan berduri.
Ada lebih 20 spesis Gharqad di Amerika Utara, 30 spesis di Amerika Selatan, 30 di Afrika, 10 di Eurasia dan satu di Australia.
[Dah tentulah ada pada tempat yang ada Yahudi]

Pokok Gharqad, adalah panggilan bagi pokok Yahudi dalam bahasa Arab.
Dalam istilah botani, pokok Gharqad dikenali sebagai spesis Boxthorn, termasuk dalam keluarga Solanaceae yang terdiri lebih daripada 90 spesis.
Nama-nama lain yang biasa digunakan untuk pokok ini ialah Desert-thorn, Christmas berry, Wolfberry, Matrimony vine, Tea-tree dan Goji.
Spesis ini banyak tumbuh pada ketinggian lebih kurang 5 meter tinggi dan 3 meter lebar serta boleh menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan kering serta kekurangan air.
Pokok rendang ini turut menjadi 'rumah' bagi beberapa spesis haiwan seperti musang dan burung untuk berteduh dan mencari makanan.

Menariknya, pokok ini turut terdapat di Australia selepas dibawa masuk pada tahun 1800-an untuk dijadikan sebagai tumbuhan pagar sekitar rumah, malah ia dianggap sebagai "rumpai yang sangat degil" ! Ini kerana ia menjadi ancaman kepada industri agrikultur dan mudah berkembang biak melalui pelbagai cara sehingga pelbagai usaha dijalankan untuk menghapuskan "rumpai" ini. Ia turut di isytiharkan sebagai rumpai di bawah Tasmania’s Weed Management Act 1999 dan kegagalan menghapuskan pokok ini daripada perumahan membawa kepada tindakan undang-undang!

Dalam bahasa Ibrani, pokok Gharqad disamakan dengan pokok Atad. Sarjana botani Prof. Michael Zohary dan Noga Hereuveni of Neot Kedumim yang mengkaji tumbuhan yang disebutkan dalam Bible mengesahkan pokok Atad adalah sama dengan spesis Jujube.

Jika pokok Jujube ini adalah pohon Gharqad seperti yang disebutkan dalam hadis, kemungkinan pernyataan yang mengatakan orang-orang Yahudi sedang giat menanam pokok Gharqad adalah benar. Spesis ini adalah tumbuhan kedua terbesar di negara haram Israel selepas pokok Akasia.

Pokok Gharqad ini banyak ditanam oleh orang-orang Yahudi di sekitar rumah mereka kerana mereka berharap dapat bersembunyi di sebalik pohon tersebut daripada dibunuh oleh orang-orang Islam ketika hampir berlakunya hari kiamat nanti. Sesungguhnya, mereka beriman kepada hadith Rasulullah SAW, namun pada masa yang sama, merekalah yang memusuhi umat Baginda serta melakukan kekejaman terhadap warga Palestin samada yang beragama Islam mahupun Kristian.

Dikatakan, sebuah pertubuhan bukan berasaskan keuntungan, Jews National Fund (JNF) sedang giat menganjurkan kempen menanam pokok di Israel. Namun, tidak dapat dipastikan samada pokok-pokok yang ditanam itu merupakan pokok Gharqad atau sebaliknya. Menurut laman web rasmi pertubuhan tersebut, JNF telah menanam lebih 240 juta pokok di Israel sepanjang 100 tahun yang lalu.

P/S ; Dunia dah nak kiamat. Orang yahudi sibuk buat persiapan & giat mengkhayalkan umat Islam dengan duniawi. Kita? Bila lagi? Read more!

The Hand (1981)

Can anybody here tell me how to find this movie, The Hand?
It lives. It crawls. And suddenly, it kills.
It is the hand of Jon Lansdale work as a comic book artist who loses his right hand in a car accident. The hand was not found at the scene of the accident, but it soon returns by itself to follow Jon around, and murder those who anger him.

I watched this movie once when I was a child.
I would like to make a collection of these type of movies.

P/S ; I am watching Piranha a new movie at screen now thru WatchMovie247. Read more!

Tetamu Yang Tak Pernah Datang.

Bapa saudara belah Mama, actually sepupu Mama. Saya panggil Pakngah. Nama beliau Badlishah.
Kunjungan yang tak disangka. Alhamdulillah, Mama jamu dgn nasi beriani yang sedikit tawar daripada biasa.
Jumpa lah Makngah, isteri Pakngah yang agak peramah. Katanya, suka mencari saudara.
Sebab tu lah sampai juga mereka di Seremban.
Mama dah menjemput nenek dari rumah, dapatlah nenek jumpa mereka.
Dua pupu saya, namanya Ashrafi & Huzair yang nakal.
Dah besar rupanya si Afi, dah Darjah 1.
Borak panjang juga dgn Pakngah. Maklumlah, lama tak jumpa.

Dalam pukul 5, jemput Aiman balik dari kerja & Mak Uda kat rumah.

P/S ; Bila nak balik Kuantan lagi..? Huhuu.. Read more!

A Thought I Thought

I thought a thought.
But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.
If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.

Actualy, it is a tongue twister.

;) wink!

P/S ; Good night Yayang. Sweet dreams. Read more!

September - Happy Birthday To ALL!

Curik dari

Happy birthday to ALL that born in September!
By the way I am one of them.

This is a list of people in my life who celebrates their birthday this month.
2nd - Iman, Kak Isnizar
5th - Juju
9th - Akmal Nurdinie
15th - Kak Shila
17th - Hidayah
18th - Dedymus
19th - Anif Asyimi
20th - Rozul
21st - Suhaimi Parman
22nd - Syazana [ME], Hamzi, Farid Diah
27th - Liyana
28th - Ilyanie
29th - Noor Aliza

And my Kareena Kapoor born on 21st!

Nah, cake!
Wishing you all good health and happiness in life.

Nk nyanyik sket.
Icon, ikot sy nyanyi ok? Hahahahaha..

"Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To Septemberians,
Happy Birthday To You!"

P/S ; Tik tok, tik tok, tik tok. Read more!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Promote - Watch New & Old Movies Online

I promote you the readers, if you are the movie maniac, or do not want to waste your money to buy CDs or DVDs, you can watch the movies online for free, full length movies and steaming movies through WatchMovie247.

I tried before this and I can watch the muvees that I missed.

There are A LOT of muvees valid in here.

Trust me. It is a good link.

From WatchMovie247 ;

1-- Index movies that had been uploaded into major video sharing sites then categorized to make it easier for the user to search and watch.

2-- If you like the movie and want the full experience of watching it on your television with your friends and family, please consider BUYING the movie.

P/S ; I want to watch Resident Evil in here, but I think cinema is the better choice. Read more!

I am ....

I am naughty when I am with you.
I am caring when I am with you.
I am loving when I am with you.
I am dying when I am without you.
I am missing when I am without you.
I am nothing when I am without you.

P/S ; I am waiting... Read more!

Doa Pengasih

Islam Is The Way Of Life.

Dalam berkasih, bukan dengan cara kotor, memerlukan bantuan jin atau syaitan, ubat guna² atau ubat pengasih. Jangan memaksa kalau orang dah tak suka.
Setiap manusia diciptakan berpasang-pasangan.
Kita manusia hanya perlu berusaha untuk mencapai keredhaan Allah dalam setiap perbuatan & amalan kita.

Jadi, di sini, saya terpanggil untuk berkongsi dgn pembaca blog sekalian, Doa Pengasih.

Doa 1

اللَّÙ‡ُÙ…َّ Ø­َبِّبْ عَبْدَÙƒَ Ù‡َØ°َا Ø¥ِÙ„َÙ‰ عِبَادِÙƒَ المُؤْÙ…ِÙ†ِينَ ÙˆَØ­َبِّبْ Ø¥ِÙ„َÙŠَّ المُؤْÙ…ِÙ†ِينَ

Maksudnya; “Ya Allah limpahkanlah perasaan cinta hamba-Mu terhadap hamba-Mu yang beriman, limpahkanlah juga perasaan cinta mereka terhadapku.”

* Dipetik daripada: 101 Doa daripada Hadis-hadis Sahih, karangan Ustaz Zahazan Mohamed, Penerbit: Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd. (2007), ms. 197

Doa 2

*****saya akan edit post ini untuk dapatkan copy doa, ada kat rumah sewa*****

P/S ; Gunakan untuk kebaikan. Cinta bukan paksaan. Cinta pada Allah lebih agung daripada cinta sesama manusia. Tetapi jika kita bergaduh sesama manusia, itu lebih teruk. Maka, bercintalah anda.

Saya cinta Yayang. Read more!

Highway LEKAS

Yes, highway LEKAS da siap sepenuhnya.
Makin dekat la Seremban-Kajang.
Siape yg tinggal kat Kajang?

Yayang! ;)

Lebuhraya Kajang-Seremban [LEKAS] betul² menghubungkan kawasan perumahan Yayang & saya.
Kalau tak percaya, tengok map bawah ni. Saya curik dari

[Klik gambar untuk besarkan peta]

Kawasan rumah saya somewhere dgn hujung garisan biru [Seremban].
Rumah Yayang pun, somewhere dgn hujung garisan biru [Kajang].
It takes only 30 minutes in speed of 130 km/h.
Jalan baru, so tak banyak sgt kereta.
Rate tol setakat ni, dari Tol Kajang Selatan ke Tol Setul = RM 4.90.
Tol Ampangan belum mulakan bayaran. Tak tahu lah bila.

LEKAS ni menghubungkan juga Kajang ke persimpangan untuk ke Jelebu, Mantin, Seremban, Ampangan, Paroi, Kuala Pilah & Seremban.
Yayang gunakan LEKAS untuk hantar Mira balik Matrikulasi kat Kuala Pilah, nun.
Jalan alternatif.

Tapi, huihh, raya ni, trafik light kat simpang empat tu da jadi jammed.
Pasal banyak kereta nak ke Kuala Pilah or Wilayah. Kalau ada polis trafik, laaaagi la jammed.

Ni gambar petang tadi, saya captured bila sampai kat simpang empat tu.

P/S ; Dating dgn Yayang, kitorang tengok wayang. Layan Resident Evil; After Life. Syiooook! Read more!

Tutor - Create Fish-Eye Lens Effect Using Photoshop

Here I have a photo of the Boston skyline, taken with a 18-200mm lens at 18mm:

The first thing I’ll do is select the elliptical marquee tool from the tool bar:

As I’m making my selection on the photograph, I’ll hold down the Shift key on my keyboard to keep the circle proportionally round. I’ll try to make the selection as big as I can without extending outside the photo. Then I’ll center it over the portion of the photo that I think is most interesting. While I’m centering the circle, I’ll make sure that I still have the elliptical marquee tool selected:

The next thing I’ll do is reverse the selection, so that I’m selecting everything in the photo except the circle so that I can get rid of the background. I’ll go to Select/Inverse

Now I’ll hit the Delete key on my keyboard. The background will turn white:

Now I can use the tool to center the circle:

Now I do the again, because I want to make the background black:

I’ll use the paint bucket tool from the tool bar to fill the background black:

Now for the last time I’ll do a Select/Inverse

The next step is to give the circle the fisheye look. Here I’ll go to Filter/Distort/Spherize

Here the Spherize dialog box comes up. I’ll make the amount 100% and I’ll set the Mode to “Normal”:

< I’ll hit CTRL-D on my keyboard to deselect. Then I’ll just crop out some extra black background.:

Here is the finished photo:

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and have fun playing with Photoshop.

P/S ; I copied from How TO Create A Fisheye Lens Effect Using Photoshop. Read more!